♦ Last Updated on August 10, 2024 ♦


Redemption from ordinary life does not mean escaping or rejecting the everyday, but rather infusing it with deeper meaning and purpose. Here are a few key insights on what redemption of the ordinary entails.

Seeing the Sacred in the Secular

One of the main aspects of redeeming the ordinary is recognizing that all of life, even the most mundane tasks, can be done for the glory of God. As 1 Corinthians 10:31 states, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” This challenges the sacred/secular divide and calls us to see God’s presence and purpose in every area of life.

Faithfulness in the Little Things

Redeeming the ordinary requires faithfulness and diligence in the small, everyday responsibilities and tasks. As Jesus said, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much” (Luke 16:10). Maintaining integrity and honoring God in the “little things” of life is a key part of spiritual growth and maturity.

Infusing the Ordinary with New Meaning

Jesus himself redeemed the ordinary by fully entering into the human experience. He slept, ate, drank, worked, and expressed the full range of human emotions. In doing so, he infused the common and ordinary with new meaning and dignity.

Restoration of All Things

Ultimately, redeeming the ordinary is part of God’s larger work of restoring all things. The gospel is not just about saving souls but about the redemption and renewal of all creation. This means that even the most mundane aspects of life are caught up in God’s restorative purposes.

In summary, the redemption of the ordinary is not about escaping the everyday but seeing it through the lens of God’s presence, purpose, and restoration. It involves faithfulness in small things, infusing the common with sacred meaning, and participating in God’s work of making all things new.

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