♦ Last Updated on August 19, 2024 ♦

Well, people cannot help wondering. An answer to that question can make such a difference in one’s life.

Hobby and Joy
Hobby and Joy

Okay then, what was Jesus’ mission?

The mission of Jesus is a profound and central theme in Christian theology. According to Christian beliefs, Jesus came to Earth to fulfill several key purposes, including:

  • Salvation: Jesus came to offer salvation and forgiveness of sins to humanity through his sacrificial death on the cross.
  • Reconciliation: Jesus came to reconcile humanity to God, bridging the gap created by sin and restoring a relationship between God and people.
  • Teaching: Jesus taught about love, compassion, forgiveness, and the Kingdom of God, providing guidance on how to live a fulfilling and righteous life.
  • Miracles: Jesus performed miracles to demonstrate his divinity and to show God’s power at work in the world.
  • Sacrifice: Jesus willingly gave his life as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity, demonstrating the ultimate act of love and selflessness.

These are just a few aspects of the multifaceted mission of Jesus as understood within the Christian faith. It’s a rich and complex topic that has inspired countless discussions, reflections, and interpretations throughout history.

Hobby and Joy
Hobby and Joy

Miracles? Let us ask you something more pressing: “Was the death of Jesus on the Cross inevitable?”

From a theological perspective within Christianity, the death of Jesus on the cross is often viewed as an essential part of God’s plan for salvation and reconciliation with humanity.

  • Many Christians believe that Jesus’ death was foretold in the Old Testament and was necessary to fulfill prophecies and bring about redemption.
  • The concept of Jesus’ sacrificial death as atonement for humanity’s sins is a fundamental tenet of Christian faith. It is believed that Jesus willingly laid down his life to offer salvation and to demonstrate God’s love for all people.
  • While major theologians debate the extent to which Jesus’ death was predetermined or could have been avoided, the prevailing belief among many Christians is that Jesus’ crucifixion was a pivotal moment in God’s plan for the salvation of humanity.
  • Ultimately, the question of whether Jesus’ death on the cross was inevitable is a complex theological issue that has been interpreted and understood in various ways within Christian traditions.
Hobby and Joy
Hobby and Joy

Well, who are the theologians debating the extent to which Jesus’ death was predetermined or could have been avoided? We are curious.

Various theologians and scholars throughout history have debated and discussed that. Some theologians who have offered different perspectives on this topic include:


John Calvin: A prominent Reformation theologian, Calvin emphasized the doctrine of predestination, suggesting that Jesus’ death was part of God’s predetermined plan for the salvation of humanity.

Friedrich Schleiermacher: A key figure in modern theology, Schleiermacher proposed a more subjective approach to religion, focusing on individual experience and the emotional significance of Jesus’ death.

Karl Barth: Known for his emphasis on the sovereignty of God, Barth highlighted the concept of God’s freedom in orchestrating the events leading to Jesus’ death while also affirming the importance of human agency.

Jürgen Moltmann: Moltmann’s theology of the cross explores the idea of God’s solidarity with human suffering, suggesting that Jesus’ death was a response to the brokenness and pain of the world.

These are just a few examples of theologians who have offered differing perspectives. The debate surrounding this topic reflects the rich diversity of theological thought within Christianity.

Hobby and Joy
Hobby and Joy

Oh, we did not know about that much diversity. What did the Rev. Moon have to say regarding this subject?

  • Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church, offered a unique perspective on the mission and death of Jesus Christ. According to Rev. Moon’s teachings, he believed that Jesus came to fulfill his mission as the Messiah and to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Rev. Moon taught that Jesus’ death on the cross was a tragic outcome resulting from the disbelief and rejection of his message by the people of his time.
  • Rev. Moon emphasized the need for humanity to understand and embrace Jesus’ teachings in order to bring about spiritual and social transformation. He also believed in the importance of spiritual restoration and the fulfillment of God’s providence through the establishment of a unified and peaceful world.
  • Overall, Rev. Moon’s teachings offered a distinctive interpretation of Jesus’ mission and death, emphasizing the significance of faith, love, and the realization of God’s ideal of peace and unity among all people.
Hobby and Joy
Hobby and Joy

Interesting. Thank you. So, we do not have to bother with ‘theological hair splitting’ or feel guilty about sin and Jesus? Should we care more about our conduct, our decisions, and our actions every day in light of living for the sake of others?

Yes. Let’s not try to intentionally harm others and learn to recognize each other’s gift of life. In that good faith, we can more fully experience God’s boundless love!


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