♦ Last Updated on July 3, 2024 ♦

ai prompts

Prompting isn’t as easy as some make it out to be. Writing an AI prompt requires careful thought and consideration, as the tone of a prompt can have a major impact on user experience. For beginners, it is perhaps best to rephrase sample prompts instead of trying to write prompts from scratch.

You may be seeking longer summaries of religious texts. Below, find some sample prompts and tips to help you start. Replace the names of religious texts in the examples with your preferences.

Example Prompts

  1. Brief Overview: “Give a brief overview of the major teachings in the Quran, focusing on the Five Pillars of Islam.”
  2. Detailed Summary: “Provide a detailed summary of the Ramayana, including the main characters, plot points, and moral lessons in about 1000 words.”
  3. Thematic Analysis: “Summarize the main themes and philosophical ideas in the Tao Te Ching, especially its views on leadership and natural order.”
  4. Concept Clarification: “Summarize the main events of the Book of Exodus and explain the significance of the Ten Plagues in the context of the Israelites’ liberation.”

9 Vital Key Points

1. Be Clear and Specific
Provide clear and specific instructions on what you need. Mention the text, its context, and the level of detail you want in the summary.
“Summarize the New Testament of the Bible, focusing on the main teachings and key dialogues.”
2. Define the Scope
Indicate the exact portion of the text you want summarized. This helps narrow down the information and makes the summary more precise.
“Provide a summary of the Sermon on the Mount from the Gospel of Matthew, chapters 5 to 7.”
3. State the Purpose
Explain why you need the summary. This can help tailor the content to your needs, whether for study, teaching, or general understanding.
“Summarize the Ten Commandments from the Bible in a way that highlights their ethical implications for a philosophy class.”
4. Request Key Themes and Concepts
Ask for a focus on major themes, concepts, or messages. This ensures that the summary covers the core ideas.
“Summarize the key themes and messages of the Lotus Sutra, especially its teachings on universal enlightenment.”
5. Specify Length and Detail
Mention how detailed and lengthy you want the summary to be. This can range from a brief overview to a detailed analysis.
“Provide a detailed summary of the Book of Job, covering the main events, dialogues, and moral lessons in about 500 words.”
6. Ask for Clarifications if Needed
If the text is complex, request explanations of specific terms or concepts.
“Summarize the Upanishads, focusing on their teachings about Atman and Brahman. Also, explain these concepts briefly.”
7. Provide Context for Better Accuracy
Giving background information or context about the text can lead to a more accurate summary.
“Summarize the Divine Principles, keeping in mind its historical context and its role in Christianity.”
8. Identify the Audience
Who will be consuming the feedback from the chatbot if not the general population?
“Tailor your feedback to be understandable by middle schoolers and avoid using overly academic jargon.”
9. Iterate and Refine
Feel free to iterate on your prompt if the first response isn’t perfect. You can refine your request based on the initial output.
“Can you expand on the summary of the Torah’s first five books, focusing more on the covenant between God and the Israelites?”

Some Prompt Ideas for Education

In some way, we are all educators while also always educating ourselves.

  • Write a lesson plan for an introductory character education class. The lesson plan should cover the Golden Rule, in particular how it works in cases involving conflicts between generations, ethnicities, and races. Come up with some examples that show common student errors.
  • Design a lecture outline that helps adolescent people orient themselves in their existential being.
  • Design a lesson plan that raises adolescent people’s understanding of financial literacy. Make it fun and engaging way.
  • Write a step-by-step tutorial on how to strategize. The topic is exploring the lifecycle of families and generations.
  • Create a game that helps students learn the present perfect tense.
  • Write a script for an educational video that explores Christianity and its role in modern civilization.
  • Create an online quiz that tests students’ understanding of the geography of Korea.
  • Design a virtual reality experience that takes users on a tour of ancient Korea.
  • Create an interactive quiz to help people find their ideal mate.
  • Write a dialogue between two historical figures discussing modern ethics.
  • Design a set of flashcards for learning basic phrases in the Korean language.
  • Design a virtual museum exhibit showcasing the development of civilization.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to get comprehensive and useful replies tailored to your needs.

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