
Hi, Tom here. I am Christine’s spouse, and I am maintaining this website. Although I am not as religious, spiritual, and/or devoted as she is, I resonate with American philosopher and psychologist William James (1842-1910) and believe that a life of faith is noble.

Over the decades, my pursuit of understanding and peace of mind has led me to read a lot of philosophy, psychology, anthropology, social sciences, and then some. Not wishing to mix my perspectives too much with Christine’s, I’ll keep my thoughts about the good life in this corner (see below).

Bridge of Faith

The Right To Believe

From Wikipedia Bridge of Faith "The Will to Believe" is a lecture by William James, first published in 1896, which defends, in ...
ai prompts

AI Prompt Playbook

Need to have an AI prompt playbook handy? Well, below is one. Googling for the term brings up links to ...