Chambumo Gyeong A Record of True Parents' Life Course, their Activities, and Major Providential Events Preface Table of Contents Book 1: True Parents' Advent and the Era of True Parents Introduction CHAPTER 1. The Significance of True Parents in the History of the Providence of Restoration Section 1. The True Ancestors Section 2. Lord at the Second Advent and Embodiment of the Holy Spirit Section 3. Completion of the Providence of Restoration Section 4. The Embodiments of God CHAPTER 2. The Holy Wedding of True Parents and the Era of True Parents Section 1. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb Section 2. The Lord and His Bride Section 3. The Seven-Year Course and the Birth of True Children Section 4. True Parents' Completion of the Providence Section 5. The Way to Become True Parents Book 2: The Birth of True Parents CHAPTER 1. True Father's Birth Section 1. Background Section 2. True Father's Lineage CHAPTER 2. True Mother's Birth Section 1. Background Section 2. True Mother's Family Section 3. Spirit-led Churches CHAPTER 3. True Father's Childhood and Youth Section 1. Love for Nature Section 2. God's Call Section 3. School Days Section 4. Study in Japan CHAPTER 4. True Mother's Childhood and Youth Section 1. An Atmosphere of Faith Section 2. Education and Encounter with Father Section 3. Chosen by Heaven Section 4. Trials and Victory Book 3: The Beginning of True Father's Public Course and the Founding of HSA-UWC CHAPTER 1. True Father Begins His Course of Public Life Section 1. Father's Public Course Section 2. Pyongyang Section 3. Eight-Stage Restoration and 43-Day Battle for Victory Section 4. Hungnam Prison CHAPTER 2. True Father's Journey to South Korea and His Course in Busan Section 1. Journey to the South Father's disciples Section 2. A New Beginning in Busan Refugee life Section 3. Wolli Wonbon Section 4. Pioneer Outreach CHAPTER 3. Founding the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity Section 1. Background Section 2. The Cheongpa-dong Headquarters Church Section 3. Conditions of Devotion and Guidance on Faith Section 4. Pioneer Outreach to 120 Areas Section 5. Missions to Japan and the United States Book 4: Salvation through the Holy Marriage Blessing CHAPTER 1. Overview of the Marriage Blessing Section 1. Meaning and Value Section 2. Qualifications Section 3. Marriage Blessing Rituals CHAPTER 2. The History of the Marriage Blessing Ceremony Section 1. The 36 Couples Section 2. The 72 Couples, 124 Couples and 430 Couples Section 3. The 777, 1800, 2075 and 6000 Couples Section 4. The 6500, 30,000 and Second-Generation Couples Section 5. Globalization of the Blessing Section 6. Ancestor Blessings CHAPTER 3. The True Family Movement and True Family Tradition Section 1. The Pure Love Movement Section 2. Blessed Family Traditions Section 3. Blessing Community Life Book 5: Expansion of the Providential Foundation and the Annual Mottoes CHAPTER 1. Registration of the Holy Spirit Association and Expansion of the Internal Foundation Section 1. Legal Recognition and Church Construction Section 2. The Seonghwa Youth Association Section 3. The Students' Association and Collegiate Association Section 4. Expressions of Divine Principle Section 5. The Holy Songs Section 6. The Cheongpyeong Holy Ground CHAPTER 2. The Seven-Year Courses and the Overseas Foundation Section 1. The Restoration of a People Section 2. The Restoration of the Nation and World Section 3. Witnessing, Education and Revivals Section 4. Mobilization of Blessed Families Section 5. Grassroots Outreach Section 6. Educating Society's Leaders CHAPTER 3. Proclamation of the Holy Days Section 1. Resurrection of Heart and Resurrection of Substance Section 2. Parents' Day Section 3. Children's Day Significance Section 4. Day of All Things Section 5. God's Day CHAPTER 4. The Annual Mottoes and Setting Goals for Each Stage of the Providence Section 1. The 1960s Section 2. The 1970s Section 3. The 1980s Section 4. The 1990s Section 5. The 2000s Book 6: The World Tours and the Global Mission CHAPTER 1. True Parents' World Tours Section 1. The First World Tour Section 2. The Second World Tour Section 3. The Third World Tour Section 4. Letters from True Parents during the World Tours CHAPTER 2. True Parents' Settlement in the United States and Their Public Speeches Section 1. The Beginning Section 2. One World Crusade Section 3. United States Speaking Tours Section 4. Rallies in Korea Section 5. America's Bicentennial Celebration Section 6. The Watergate Statement CHAPTER 3. The Special Tour of Japan and Sending Out Missionaries Section 1. Japan's responsibility Section 2. Ministry in Japan Section 3. Missionaries to the World Book 7: True Parents' Course of Suffering and Victory CHAPTER 1. Suffering and Victory during the Japanese Occupation and in Communist North Korea Section 1. The Movement for Korean Independence Section 2. The Oaedong Detention Center Section 3. Pyongyang and Hungnam Section 4. Victory of Love Section 5. Gathering Lost Family Members CHAPTER 2. The Ehwa University and Yonsei University Incident and Suffering in Seodaemun Prison Section 1. Ehwa University and Yonsei University Section 2. Seodaemun Prison Section 3. Bearing Society's Sin CHAPTER 3. Suffering in Danbury Prison and True Parents' Victory Section 1. The Tax Evasion Trial Section 2. The Ascension of Heung-jin Moon Section 3. Prison Life in Danbury Section 4. Mission in Prison and Christian Support Section 5. Resurrection from Prison Section 6. Learning from Suffering Book 8: North - South Unification and World Peace CHAPTER 1. Initiatives for North-South Unification and the Visit to North Korea Section 1. Victory Over Communism Section 2. The Citizens' Federation Section 3. Dialogue with Kim Il-sung Section 4. Initiatives for Unification Section 5. True Mother's University Speaking Tour CHAPTER 2. The Global Victory Over Communism Movement and the Proclamation of the End of Communism Section 1. Japan Section 2. CAUSA and AULA Section 3. The Moscow Conference CHAPTER 3. The UN Renewal Movement, the Abel UN and the Parents' UN Section 1. The UN Renewal Movement Section 2. Global Unification Leadership Section 3. The Mongolian Peoples' Federation Section 4. The Universal Peace Federation Section 5. The 180-Nation Tour Section 6. True Mother's Guidance during the Return to the Original Fatherland and Hometown Tour CHAPTER 4. The Era of the Pacific Rim Civilization and the Korean Peninsula Section 1. Advent of a New Era Section 2. The International Peace Highway Book 9: Activities in the Media, Education and the Arts for the Culture of Heart CHAPTER 1. Unification Thought and International Academic Activities Section 1. Unification Thought Section 2. International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences Section 3. Professors World Peace Academy CHAPTER 2. World Media Conferences and Media Outlets Section 1. World Media Association Section 2. Sekai Nippo and The News World Section 3. The Washington Times Section 4. The Segye Times Section 5. Print, Video and Archives CHAPTER 3. Establishing Educational Institutions and Nurturing Human Beings Section 1. The Purpose of Education Section 2. Educational Institutions Section 3. Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation and Sunhak Peace Prize CHAPTER 4. Cultural and Artistic Organizations Section 1. The Little Angels of Korea Section 2. Universal Ballet CHAPTER 5. Realizing a World of the Culture of Heart through Sports Section 1. The World Culture and Sports Festival Section 2. Soccer Teams Section 3. Soccer Tournaments Section 4. Unification Martial Arts Book 10: Preparing the Ideal Environment Centering on the Providence of the Ocean and Latin America CHAPTER 1. Economic Activities to Create the Environment for God's Ideal Section 1. Establishing an Economic Foundation Section 2. The Total Living Offering Section 3. Economic Activities in the Early Years Section 4. The Establishment of Companies Section 5. The Equalization of Technology CHAPTER 2. The Ocean Providence and Development of Marine Resources Section 1. Korea Section 2. The United States Section 3. The Spirituality of Fishing Section 4. Addressing the World's Food Shortage Section 5. Developing Leadership Section 6. Shipbuilding Section 7. Las Vegas and Hoover Dam CHAPTER 3. Jardim Declarations for Creating an Ideal Community Section 1. The Pantanal and the New Hope Farm Section 2. Sao Paulo and Jardim Declarations Section 3. Ideal Family Education Section 4. Uniting North America and South America Section 5. The Providence for an Ideal Community Book 11: Ecumenical Initiatives CHAPTER 1. Ecumenical and Interfaith Initiatives Section 1. The Meaning and Purpose of Religion Section 2. Salvation and the Liberation of God Section 3. The Movement to Transcend Religion Section 4. Religious Coalition and World Peace CHAPTER 2. The Interreligious Peace Movement and the Blessing Ceremony Section 1. IRF and the Assembly Section 2. IRFWP and IIFWP Section 3. Interfaith Marriage and the Middle East CHAPTER 3. Uniting the Spiritual and Physical Worlds and Liberating the Spirit World Section 1. The Spirit World and True Parents Section 2. The Salvation and Liberation of the Spirit World Section 3. Major Ceremonies and Proclamations for Unity between the Two Worlds Section 4. Great Revolution in the Spirit World Book 12: The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and the Women's Era CHAPTER 1. The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification Section 1. The Background and Founding of FFWPU Section 2. The Establishment of Hoon Dok Hae Section 3. The Family Pledge Significance CHAPTER 2. The Settlement of the Eight Stages and Declaration Day of God's Eternal Blessing Section 1. The Settlement of the Eight Stages (Pal Jeong Shik) and Heavenly Parentism Section 2. Chil Il Jeol (7-1 Day) and Returning to Hometown CHAPTER 3. The Completed Testament Age and Its Providential Development Section 1. Proclamation of the Completed Testament Age Section 2. Ceremonies of Proclamation CHAPTER 4. The Women's Federation for World Peace and True Mother's World Tours Section 1. The Founding of WFWP and the Proclamation of the Women's Era Section 2. True Mother's World Speaking Tours Section 3. True Mother's Victory Section 4. Workshops and Sisterhood Ceremonies for 160,000 Japanese Women Book 13: The Completion of Restoration and the Settlement of Cheon Il Guk CHAPTER 1. The Enthronement and Coronation Ceremonies Section 1. The Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship Section 2. The Holy Marriage Blessing of the Parents of Heaven and Earth Opening the Gates of Cheon Il Guk, and the Enthronement Ceremony of the King and Queen of the Blessed Families Section 3. Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il and the Era After the Coming of Heaven Section 4. The Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace in Heaven and on Earth, and the Coronation of God, the King of All Kings, with the Authority of His Liberation Section 5. Cosmic Assemblies for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind Who, as God's Embodiment, Proclaim the Word CHAPTER 2. Foundation Day and the Inheritance of True Parents' Tradition Section 1. Opening the Age of Cheon Il Guk Section 2. True Father's Seonghwa (Holy Ascension) and Inheriting the Tradition Section 3. The Three Cheon Il Guk Scriptures Section 4. Establishment of the Cheon Il Guk Constitution CHAPTER 3. True Parents' Philosophy of Life and Their Public Life Section 1. True Parents' Philosophy of Life Section 2. True Parents' Public Life and Devotion Section 3. A Healthy Lifestyle CHAPTER 4. The Settlement of Cheon Il Guk and Our Path Section 1. The Faith and Environment of the Early Days Section 2. Blessed Families and the Education of Future Leaders Section 3. The Life of Cheon Il Guk Citizens Section 4. The Path to the Settlement of Cheon Il Guk Book 14: Chronology of the Life and Works of True Parents