Pyeong Hwa Gyeong A Selection of True Parents’ Speeches Preface Table of Contents Book 1. The Principles of True Peace 1. The Ideal World for God and Humankind 2. God’s Hope for Humanity 3. A World of Living for the Sake of Others 4. The New Future of Humankind 5. A Life Devoted to Others 6. The Fundamental Principle of True Peace 7. A Truly Peaceful World 8. View of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation 9. Liberation of God’s Homeland 10. The Nation and World of Peace Sought by God and Humanity 11. With Heartfelt Love and Thanks 12. God Is the Origin of Peace 13. God’s Homeland and One World 14. God and a United World of Peace 15. Declaring the Era of the Peace Kingdom 16. Let Us Build a World of Peace through Living for the Sake of Others 17. Living for the Sake of Others Book 2. God’s Homeland and the Peace Kingdom 1. The Background and Significance of the Founding of the Unification Church 2. The Foundation of the Future World 3. In Search of the Origin of the Universe 4. The Cosmos Is Our Hometown and Our Homeland 5. The True Land for a King 6. God’s True Love and Restoring His Relationship with Heaven, Earth and Humankind 7. To Realize the World of Peace 8. God’s Homeland and the Peace Kingdom 9. Fifty Years on the Providential Path to Realize God’s Homeland and the Peace Kingdom 10. God’s Homeland and the Peace Kingdom Are Built on the Foundation of the Realm of His Liberation and Complete Freedom 11. Our Mission in the Last Days of Providential History 12. Complete and Perfect Restoration of Cain and Abel Brotherhood and the Ideal World of Creation 13. The Restoration of Our True God’s Homeland 14. Establishing the Kingship of Original True Love from the Self to the Cosmic Level 15. The Value and Significance of the Family Pledge 16. Advance without Ceasing Book 3. The Mission of Religion in Achieving God’s Ideal 1. One God, One World Religion 2. The New Future of Christianity 3. Today’s Intellectuals and Religion 4. America and Religious Freedom 5. Let Us Bring Religious Harmony for the Sake of World Peace 6. In the Hope That You Will Participate in the Unification Movement 7. The Will of God 8. Dialogue and Alliance 9. The Fundamental Truth 10. Bequeathing the Tradition of True Love 11. Islam and the Establishment of World Peace 12. Religion’s Mission for World Peace 13. Religion and the Creation of World Peace 14. Religion and the Ideal World 15. Understanding Life and Death 16. The Path of Life for All Humankind Book 4. The True Family Movement 1. The True Family and I 2. The Ideal Home and World Peace 3. True Family and True Universe Centered on True Love 4. The True Family Movement to Save Humankind 5. Realization of a Peaceful World through the Ideal of True Families 6. Blessed Marriage and Eternal Life 7. True Family and World Peace 8. Blessed Families and the Ideal World 9. True Love and True Marriage 10. The Holy Marriage Blessing Is the Way to Unite the Virtues of Heaven and Earth and Harmonize and Unite the Cosmos 11. God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful Ideal World 12. God’s Model Ideal Family and Nation and the Peace Kingdom 13. God’s Model for Absoluteness, Peace and the Ideal Is the Family and Global Kingdom Upholding Absolute Sexual Morality 14. True Families: Gateway to Heaven Book 5. Absolute Values and a New World Order 1. The Role of Unified Science in the Moral Orientation of the World 2. Modern Science and Our View of Moral Values 3. Science and Absolute Values 4. Harmony among the Sciences and the Search for Absolute Values 5. God and the Limit of Science 6. Absolute Values and the Search for Peace for Humankind 7. Absolute Values and the Creation of a New World 8. Absolute Value Perspective 9. Unification Thought as the Basis of a New Cultural Revolution 10. Professors World Peace Academy and Our Resolution 11. Absolute Values and the New Cultural Revolution 12. Leaping Forward and Gaining Momentum 13. True Love and the Unified World 14. Absolute Values and a Reassessment of Contemporary Society 15. Absolute Values and a Reassessment of the Contemporary World 16. Absolute Values and the New World Order 17. True Knowledge, True Family and World Peace 18. Problems Confronting Society and the Responsibility of the Media 19. Media Credibility and Social Responsibility 20. The Responsibility of the Media in a Divided World 21. Media Standards and Journalistic Accountability 22. True Unification and One World 23. God’s Strategy for Victory 24. The Mission of the Media in the Twenty-first Century 25. Media in the Twenty-first Century: Focus, Roles and Responsibilities 26. Globalization and the Media: Looking to the Twenty-first Century 27. A United Direction for the Media in the New Millennium 28. The Life of Jesus from the Perspective of God’s Will and God’s Warning to the Present Age Book 6. The Role of Women in Creating the Ideal World 1. The True Love Movement Bringing Salvation to Asia and the World 2. The Coming of the Age of Women 3. The Unity of the World and Humankind’s Responsibility 4. Women Will Play a Leading Role in the Ideal World I 5. Women Will Play a Leading Role in the Ideal World II 6. World Peace and the Role of Women I 7. Women Will Play a Leading Role in the Ideal World III 8. God, Women and World Peace 9. The Twenty-first Century and the Mission of Women 10. World Peace and the Role of Women II 11. Opening, Inheriting and Fulfilling the Era of the Victory,, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind 12. The Role of Women in the Era after the Coming of Heaven and the Mission of the Women’s Federation for World Peace 13. Keynote Speech at the Inauguration of the Abel Women’s UN 14. Let Us Become Leaders in a World of Peace 15. Let Us Open a New Era of Civilization 16. Establishing a World of Moral Principles 17. The Central Role of Young People in the Realization of True Love Book 7. The World of the Culture of Heart 1. The Path of the Movement for Finding the True Ancestral Root 2. Congratulatory Remarks at the Inaugural Celebration of the Universal Ballet Academy 3. Becoming Leaders in Building a World of Peace 4. Budding a World of Heart-Centered Culture 5. Become a Standard-Bearer for Justice 6. The Youth Culture Must Become a Pure Love Movement 7. Everything Wants True Love 8. Congratulatory Address for the World Hanmadang Sports Festival 2000 9. Dialogue and Harmony among Civilizations 10. The Kingdom of Heaven: Who Will Enter It, and How Will They Get There? 11. The Root of Peace Is in True Love 12. The Path for the True Salvation of the World and the Nation 13. Education Based on Godism 14. The Significance of the Inauguration of the Sun Moon Peace Cup 15. Let Us Achieve Everlasting Harmony among Religions 16. Determining the Owner of True Love According to the Absolute Value System of the True Ideal Family 17. The True Revolution of Heart and the Opening of the Era of True Liberation and Complete Freedom 18. God Is Our True Parent, True Teacher and True King 19. The Three Great Subject Partners Principle from the Viewpoint of God’s Providence 20. Event to Mark the Distribution of Fifty Thousand Copies of Father’s Autobiography Book 8. The Reunification of Korea and World Peace 1. Korea in the World 2. May Our Homeland Shine Forth 3. The Resolve of the World and the Korean People 4. Our Homeland for the Sake of the World 5. God’s Will and Korea 6. Address at the Inauguration of the Citizens Federation for the Unification of North and South Korea 7. True Peace in Our Time, the Reunification of Korea, and East-West Cooperation 8. True Love and the World of Unity 9. Heaven Is Calling Korea 10. Speeches Given during an Official Visit to North Korea 11. Opening the Path for Genuine Dialogue 12. The Reunification of Korea and World Peace 13. World Unity and the Reunification of South and North Korea Will Be Accomplished by True Love 14. The Course of Life for the Princes and Princesses of God 15. God’s Kingdom of Peace Is the Eternal Home of Our Blessed Families Book 9. The Role of Nations in Realizing World Peace 1. America in Crisis -- Answer to Watergate: Forgive, Love, Unite 2. God’s Plan Centered on the United States 3. God’s Hope for America 4. America and God’s Will 5. The Foley Square Address 6. Challenges and Possibilities for World Peace 7. Let Us Become Leading Figures in the Asia-Pacific Era 8. The Way to World Peace 9. The Role of Island Nations in the Twenty-first Century 10. The Role of Peninsular Nations in the Twenty-first Century 11. The Role of Continental Nations in the Twenty-first Century 12. Let Us Open Wide the Era of World Peace 13. The Direction for the World and the United Nations 14. Breaking Down Barriers to Establish World Peace 15. The Path for America and Humanity in the New Millennium 16. The Status of Korea, Japan and the United States from the Providential Viewpoint 17. Let Us Perfect the Peace Kingdom through the Peace UN 18. The Path of Humanity and the United States in the Era of the Peace Kingdom 19. The Mission of Ambassadors for Peace at the Dawn of the Era after the Coming of Heaven Book 10. True Parents, the Hope of God and Humankind 1. The Appearance of True Parents and the Ideal Family 2. True Parents and the Completed Testament Age 3. The Unity and Complete Settlement of the Parents of Heaven and Earth 4. The Owners of Re-Creation 5. The Messiah and True Parents 6. The Harmonization of Values, and the Liberation and Complete Settlement of the Realm Transcending Religions and Nations from the Providential Perspective 7. True Parents Are the Hope of God and Humankind 8. Let Us Become Filial Children of God Who Liberate His Heart 9. True Parents Are the Embodiment of God 10. Address at the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Gimpo Aviation Industrial Complex 11. Cheon 11 Guk Is the Ideal Heavenly Kingdom’s Reign of Eternal Peace 12. The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Cosmic Peace and Unity in Heaven and on Earth 13. A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God’s Will I 14. Building a Peaceful World Based on the Parent UN 15. Establishing the Truly Peaceful World of the True Parent UN 16. A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God’s Will II 17. Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage